This is a brief summary of the results with the top 2 answers from each question listed as well as a response from the CAPE Board. Please contact if you would like more detailed results.
128 Responses Received (40% of 317 households in Pollard Estates)
How long have you lived in or owned a home in Pollard Estates?
28.13% - Less than 5 years
21.09% - 5 to 10 years
13 of the total respondents are the original homeowner.
What we’re doing about it: There is new life in Pollard Estates. The CAPE Board strives to find a balance between meeting new demands and managing past expectations. Younger residents demand electronic communications while seasoned residents expect to receive paper correspondence. We will continue doing both while streamlining the processes behind the scenes.
Please rate your level of concern for the following:
Respondents are Most Concerned about: Drainage at 54.76% and Homes in Disrepair at 30.33%
Respondents are Somewhat Concerned about: Speeding at 46.03% and Crime at 43.55%
Respondents are Least Concerned about: Inoperable Vehicles 59.20% and Traffic 52.80%
“Other” top answers: Respondents are Most Concerned about Loose Animals, Lighting at Night and Solicitation
What we’re doing about it: Drainage clearly must continue being addressed. The CAPE Board has been working with city officials regarding our drainage issues for years but the improvements are few and far between. In effort to increase their attention on our drainage issues, CAPE has put together a special committee to address drainage within the subdivision. Please email us at if you’d like to be involved in this committee.
While we do not have the authority to make demands on homeowners regarding the appearance and upkeep of their personal property, we can encourage proper maintenance and offer assistance with such. The new Helping Hands Committee was specifically created to help residents with minor “Handy Man” type projects. If you or a neighbor you know needs help with a minor home improvement, clearing a cluttered carport or cleaning up a yard, please let us know by emailing
Speeding is an ongoing issue. Many residents feel the speed limit of 25 MPH is too slow, however those with small children or who run/walk are concerned about their safety. It is important to remember that following the speed limit is not negotiable as it is the law, and that pedestrians always have the right of way. To our knowledge, four stop signs have been requested by neighbors and/or the CAPE Board: on Pollard Parkway where it crosses South Columbine Street, on Dahlia Street where it meets South Pollard Parkway, on South Pollard Parkway where it meets South Columbine Street and on Dahlia Street where it meets Hyacinth Avenue and Hibiscus Drive. The status of these requests is pending review by the City. If speeding does not get under control, we may be forced to pursue speed bumps.
While Crime remains low in Pollard Estates, we do have our fair share of solicitors and vehicle vandalism. Please do not engage with solicitors as Pollard Estates is a No-Solicitation Neighborhood, which means solicitation is against the law. Call the police immediately if a solicitor knocks on your door. Please also keep your vehicles locked with no valuables left inside. Open carports and driveways should also be kept free of valuables. If there is nothing visible to take, they will likely move on. This is our best course of action until funds can be raised to increase police patrols and/or install security cameras.
Please remember that Baton Rouge has very strict leash laws. Neither dogs nor cats should be allowed to roam freely in the neighborhood. Additionally, picking up your pet’s waste is the neighborly thing to do as many residents have small children that play in their yards. If your pet gets out, please post it immediately on the Nextdoor app and/or our Facebook Group Page. If you see a loose animal, please check those pages and notify the owner if possible. If the animal is dangerous or becomes a nuisance, call Animal Control, however please give neighbors time to find lost animals when possible.
Pollard Estates is very dark at night. Traffic Engineering recently conducted a survey of lighting and found 29 lights need attention. Bulbs are completely out at the corner of Quail and South Pollard Parkway, 5889 Clematis and 5733 Hyacinth. Some lights have blockage from foliage and need to be trimmed back. The City has yet to perform any action to correct these lighting issues. Until these issues are corrected, we suggest leaving on multiple outdoor lights and wearing the proper reflective gear when walking or running while dark outside; bicycles should also be outfitted with proper lighting devices if used after dark. It is recommended that every house leave at least one outdoor light on at night to help keep the neighborhood safe. Until the street lights can be fixed, it is even more important that every house follow this recommendation.
Please rate your satisfaction with the following services:
Respondents are Most Satisfied with: Trash and Recycling Services at 62.60% and Emergency Medical Services at 62.39%
Respondents are Somewhat Satisfied with: Street Repair / Maintenance at 66.67% and Police Protection (Non-Hired) at 58.68%
Respondents are Not Satisfied with: Drainage at 47.54% and Public Transportation at 33.33%
“Other” top answers: Respondents would like us to explore Sidewalks, Security Cameras and an updated Front Entrance.
What we’re doing about it: Drainage has already been addressed above. Please email us if you would like to be involved. As for Public Transportation, this is a city-wide issue. There is a bus stop at the main entrance to the neighborhood and bus times / routes can be found at We are on Route #17, the Perkins Road and Mall of LA route.
We heard of some possible funding for sidewalks and have contacted the proper authorities to consider Pollard Estates when distributing these funds. The Board has considered security cameras for Pollard Estates several times in the past, and recently began obtaining quotes from security camera companies and hope to have a budgetary plan of action for this soon. The front entrance has been a hot topic for the Board for years. We agree that it sorely needs to be updated and currently misrepresents all that Pollard Estates is. However, we can’t do everything all at once. Several hurdles will need to be cleared to positively impact the entrance, most importantly the financial aspect.
Please rate your satisfaction with the following neighborhood events:
Respondents are Most Satisfied with: Boo in the Back at 78.18% and Christmas Caroling at 58.49%
Respondents are Somewhat Satisfied with: Summer Open Board Meeting at 43.12% and Spring Fling at 41.51%
Respondents are Not Satisfied with: Christmas Caroling at 13.21% and Winter Open Board Meeting at 10.81%
The top tips for improvement were: Have Trick or Treat throughout the neighborhood, Host events throughout the neighborhood and not just in the back, Have events for adults only, Better organization at Open Board Meetings
What we’re doing about it: All Social events have always been planned to include both adults and children. We understand that some adults may want adult-specific events, and the Board has discussed several potential options the past few years. This year there will be the addition of a Wine Walk, two Run/Walks (dogs welcome), and an LSU Football party. The Christmas caroling event is a work in progress and we look forward to additional ways to reach more people. We will also focus on better advertising and organization of our events (especially for open meetings) to ensure that everyone knows what is going on and when.
Boo in the Back was organized because Trick or Treating in Pollard Estates basically became non-existent and the Board wanted to increase neighborhood interaction. The “Back” was chosen as the sole place in the neighborhood that had only one entrance in and out and has sidewalks. The event has grown significantly in the 4 short years that we have hosted it due to the influx of new families moving into the neighborhood. That being said, at the request of numerous residents, Trick or Treat will take place throughout the entire neighborhood this year. We hope you all will embrace this, turn on your lights and hand out candy for the children. We will also consider rotating the location of neighborhood events when it is practical. If you are interested in hosting or helping with a neighborhood party, please let us know by emailing
If you do not participate in neighborhood events, why not? Are there any activities you would like the CAPE Board to consider adding?
Most respondents who do not attend expressed time constraints as the main reason or because they do not have small children in the home.
Suggested events include: an Easter Egg Hunt, Wine Walk, Farmer’s Market, Walk/Run, Dog Activities and a Mardi Gras Parade
What we’re doing about it: As mentioned in the previous question, we are adding some of these suggestions to our calendar of events. We hope these new events and scheduling thereof so far in advance will help boost participation from all neighbors. Please keep in mind that CAPE events are paid for by CAPE members and are a perk of membership.
What is the #1 change you believe would most improve this neighborhood?
The #1 answer was 100% participation in CAPE.
Other popular answers included: Better drainage, sidewalks, stop signs at certain intersections, increased police presence / security, better lighting at night, updated front entrance, and better kept yards and carports.
Less popular answers included: Residents obeying traffic laws (specifically speeding), a neighborhood pool, a neighborhood park, buried power lines, less parking in the street, gated entrances, and better cell phone reception.
What we’re doing about it: We fully agree that 100% participation in CAPE will drastically improve the neighborhood. That is why we have added Membership Drives to our calendar of events and have increased communications. But we need your help! Please encourage your neighbors to participate and remind them all residents reap the security benefits which are only paid for by CAPE members.
While a neighborhood pool and park would be fantastic, we do not have the land for such a project. Gated entrances would be costly, not only in installation and maintenance, but also because it means that CAPE would need to take over ALL maintenance of streets within the gates. Buried power lines would also make a difference in beautification, however it is astronomical in price and therefore is not a contender at this point in time. There have been talks of adding a small cell tower however that is also on hold until other more pressing matters are resolved.
Drainage, sidewalks, traffic / speeding, front entrance, unkempt yards / carports and security have all been addressed above.
Are you a member of the Civic Association of Pollard Estates? If not, why not?
74% of Respondents were CAPE Members
Of the 16.26% of Non-member Respondents, the #1 reason for not being a member was time constraints and/ or being unsure of what the dues accomplish.
What we’re doing about it: Educating our residents on what CAPE does is key to capturing new members. Being a member of CAPE does not take any time at all; it is simply writing a check which contributes to security and maintenance of the entire neighborhood. Neighborhood events, while important with building a sense of community and togetherness, are minimal in the overall budget (only 5%). Most recent social events have even been sponsored by some of our generous CAPE members. Security patrols are the largest component of the CAPE budget. Current financials for CAPE have always, and will continue to be handed out at every Open Board Meeting.
Would you support a dues increase of $50 per year for CAPE membership?
64% of Respondents said Yes they would support an increase.
Of the 48.36% Respondents who said No, the main reasons were wanting to know exactly where the money would be spent and wanting to see an increase in membership at the current rate first.
What we’re doing about it: We have no plans to increase dues at this time. If/When the CAPE Board proposes a dues increase, a full budget would be presented with details on how the additional funds would be used.
Please enter your household demographics.
What we’re doing about it: Again, we are trying to find a balance between meeting new demands and managing past expectations.
Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?
Popular responses included: Drainage, erosion, and residents not stopping at stop signs
Less popular answers included: Security cameras, a sliding membership scale and more street lights.
What we’re doing about it: All of these have been addressed above except for a sliding membership scale. While it is a nice idea, all CAPE members reap the same benefits, therefore a sliding scale is not possible.
Kelley Stein, President