
June 2018 Newsletter

May was a busy month for your CAPE Board. We would like to thank everyone who came to our Spring Open Meeting. No worries if you missed the meeting because we recorded it! You can watch the entire meeting HERE on our website. Grab some popcorn and get comfortable because we covered a lot!

Our first Wine Walk was also great fun! It was a small but enthusiastic group and we enjoyed a nice evening stroll through the neighborhood. We hope you will join us next time as we definitely want this event to grow!

I am very proud and excited to share that 2 of our 4 requested stop signs have been installed! Many thanks to everyone who has called and sent emails to help make this happen! If you haven't already seen them, they are located on Pollard Parkway at South Columbine and on Dahlia at South Pollard Parkway. Of the 2 remaining, 1 was denied as the traffic study showed it was not warranted and the other is still under review. These locations are:

  • On South Pollard Parkway (both directions) at South Columbine - denied

  • On Dahlia (both directions) at Hyacinth and Hibiscus - under review

We are not giving up on the stop sign that was denied. In the coming months, those of you who live on South Pollard Parkway will be contacted to sign a petition to have the stop sign installed. If we get 60% of homeowners on South Pollard Parkway from the back curve to Quail to sign the petition then the stop sign will be installed. Please let us know if you would like to be on the petition committee. You can see the full response from the Department of Transportation and Drainage (which also includes information on our street lights) HERE.

Speaking of street lights, I would like to encourage everyone trim back any limbs covering our street lights or any lighting around your home. Blocking light is a significant safety hazard not only for the many pedestrians in our neighborhood, but also aids in keeping our neighborhood safe from crime. Long limbs are also a significant danger in inclement weather. Keeping in mind that hurricane season started June 1, it is a good idea to trim trees asap. 

As always, we ask that you continue encouraging your neighbors to join CAPE. We are currently at 57% membership and need 41 more homes to meet our goal of 70% for the year. With the recent crime wave in the area, increased participation is in the only way we will be able to afford other safety measures, such as increased security patrol and/or camera surveillance. 

Please take the high temperatures into consideration now that summer is upon us. Pop in on elderly neighbors to make sure they are staying cool and send children outside with water bottles to stay hydrated. 

Lastly, we hope to see you all at our Summer Social later this month on 6/29. Many thanks to Matt Gamble for helping plan the event. More details on that coming soon!

Kelley Stein, President

Thomas Tyler