
Fall Newsletter

Fall is officially here, although the usual fall weather change is still trying to catch up with the calendar.  Hurricane season is still with us, as seen from the recent flurry of activity in the tropics.  We seem to have dodged the hurricane bullet so far this year; let’s hope that continues for the rest of the year. The disastrous flooding in North Carolina is a reminder of what a rain-heavy hurricane could bring to our area, and all residents should remain prepared to react if such an event should befall Baton Rouge. Flood prevention efforts are slowly progressing around the parish, but there is still a long way to go.

New Neighbors

We continue to welcome new neighbors to Pollard Estates, and we are happy to have an influx of residents who wish to live in the area. With the fall in full swing, and upcoming events on the horizon, we encourage you to forward message to any of those you may have met recently so they can join our mailing list and be part of our updated neighborhood directory. 

Golf Carts

There has been a proliferation of golf carts and other small all-terrain vehicles on our streets; and while these are not strictly permitted by current traffic laws, they do become a hazard when driven by underage occupants. There have been reports of grade-school children driving these vehicles around the neighborhood with no regard for stop signs or other rules of the road and no adult supervision. If this continues, it will eventually result in a serious accident with possible tragic injuries. Please supervise your children’s access to these vehicles before that happens.


There are still a lot of households who have not paid their CAPE dues for 2024. Our participation for the year is around 65% of residents, and expenses continue to rise. Please pay your dues so that we can continue to provide security, insurance, and grounds maintenance services for the neighborhood. Please contact us below if you have a question regarding your current membership.

Fall Event Schedule

The remaining CAPE event schedule for this year is as follows:

  • Halloween Decorating Contest –  Judging will occur on October 30th, with a $25 gift certificate awarded to the winner. Let’s keep the spooky spirit alive! Halloween falls on a Thursday this year, and we recommend that all residents set up Trick-or-Treat stations at the end of their driveways to make it easier for kids to collect their goodies.

  • Christmas Decorating Contest – Christmas decorations are always special in Pollard Estates. Judging will be done on December 22nd, and a $25 gift certificate will be awarded to the winner.

  • Christmas Caroling – December 21st . This is mostly for the kids and consists of transportation around the neighborhood singing Christmas carols. Light food and refreshments will be provided. We had a tremendous turnout last year. More details will be forthcoming in December.

Board Members

Volunteers are needed to serve on the CAPE Board. Attrition has resulted in only seven board members remaining. Volunteers are needed for communications and membership positions. If you feel qualified to serve on the board and want to help, please contact us below.

We look forward to seeing all of you in the future at CAPE social events and out in the neighborhood.

Thomas Tyler
March Newsletter

Dear Pollard Neighbors:

Spring is here, and we’re excited about some of the events we’re hosting this season as the weather warms and the flowers bloom. Read on for details!

EASTER EGG HUNT – April 1, 3:00 pm

Our annual CAPE Easter Egg Hunt is planned for Saturday, April 1st at the vacant lot behind 5815 Hibiscus Street just off of South Columbine. We had a great turnout last year on a wonderful sunny afternoon, and we’re looking forward to another day of fun with the whole family this year.

Parents are requested to bring 2 dozen filled plastic Easter eggs for each participating child to 5845 South Pollard Parkway or 5945 Hyacinth Avenue prior to April 1st. A sign-up sheet will be available to register each child for the hunt. Please don’t fill the plastic eggs with treats that can melt in the sun. (Small toys are a popular option, rather than chocolate candies).

We will have snowcones available and the Easter Bunny will be there to greet the kids and pose for pictures. We’re looking for volunteers to help hide eggs and supervise the event. If you’re willing to help, please come about an hour before the hunt.

All are welcome! Come on out, have some fun, and enjoy a snowball. We hope to see you there.

CAPE dues fund our social activities for the entire year and cover the ongoing expenses for our off-duty police patrols, landscape maintenance, insurance, LPR camera support, and more. So far, we have only received payment from 40% of residences. If you have not yet made your contribution, please do so as soon as possible.  Dues can be paid online through our website or with a check mailed to our post office box address at the bottom of this page.

Two new residents have volunteered to join the Board of Directors, replacing members who are stepping down. Daniel Grammer has joined as the Communications Director and Liz Russell has joined as the Beautification Director. We sincerely thank them for agreeing to serve.

Pollard Estates is now officially a No Solicitation neighborhood. If you encounter solicitors working in the neighborhood on behalf of various businesses or causes, you can tell them to leave. (If they don’t, you can ask the police to escort them out of the neighborhood). Political soliciting is exempt from the ordinance, as is soliciting by religious organizations.

In addition to coyotes roaming our neighborhood at night looking for loose cats and dogs, a pair of bobcats has been spotted along the edge of the church property adjacent to South Pollard Parkway.  While coyotes cannot access a fenced and gated backyard, bobcats can easily climb and gain access over most fences. Be aware and use caution when letting your pets out in your backyard at night.

WINE WALK – Saturday, April 22
Looking ahead to the future, we will have a Spring Wine Walk on Saturday, April 22nd.  More details on that event are forthcoming in the April Newsletter.

We hope to see you all at one or more of our social events this year, and wish you the very best as we all go forward to a brighter future.


CAPE Board of Directors

Thomas Tyler
October Newsletter

Dear Pollard Neighbors:

The CAPE Fall Wine Walk is scheduled for Friday night, October 15th. The Wine Walk starts at 6:00 pm and usually lasts until about 9:00. The route is usually about 1 mile long with four wine tasting and socializing stations. All you have to do to participate is drop off a bottle of your favorite wine at 5845 South Pollard Parkway and sign up prior to October 14th, and then show up with your wine glass for the walk. CAPE will provide complementary cheeses and crackers for all of the donated wines, which will be divided among the four tasting stations. 

To sign up, sign up here or you can contact Steve Oivanki directly at 225-620-5682. If you would like to volunteer to host one of the tasting stations please let us know; it would involve setting up a table in your front yard or driveway to serve the wines, cheeses, and crackers. We will contact all walkers by Friday morning with the route of the walk and the location of the tasting stations. This is a great chance to meet your neighbors and share the news of the day and relax on a Friday night. If it happens to rain on Friday, we will reschedule for a later date. We had a great turnout for the spring wine walk, and we hope to see you all there on the 15th!

Halloween Events

Halloween will take place on Sunday October 31st. Neighbors are encouraged to set up at the end of their driveways to reward the little goblins trekking the neighborhood in search of treats.  Please take proper sanitary precautions when handing out treats.  Parents are urged to accompany children during the event, to wear reflective clothing and carry flashlights for night visibility.  Homeowners participating in Trick-or-Treat should have their porch lights on.

CAPE will judge the neighborhood Halloween Decoration Contest again this year. Judging will take place the night of October 30th, so put up your scariest display. The winner will receive a gift card.

East Baton Rouge Stormwater Master Plan

The public meeting on the stormwater master plan for the Ward Creek watershed will take place on October 21st from 6-7 pm as a virtual meeting. If you wish to attend, you can register here.

CAPE Membership

Our fall membership drive is in full swing. We are working to reach our goal of 70% participation from our neighbors. Reminder invoices were recently mailed and emailed to those who have not paid. Dues have historically been to used to provide security by off-duty police officers. Recently, we have been able to use funds on the following projects:

  • Installation of license plate reader cameras at each entrance

  • Replacement of the deteriorating Pollard Estates sign at Perkins Road

  • Upgrading the website with a more modern look, including the ability to accept payments online

  • Establishing a digital version of the Pollard Estates directory

There are a variety of ways to submit payments, either online, by mailing a check, or just attending a CAPE sponsored event. If you know of a new neighbor who may be interested in joining CAPE, forward them this email or encourage them to visit our website for more information. We continue to appreciate participation by all of our neighbors.

We look forward to seeing everyone at our upcoming events

Best regards

CAPE Board of Directors

Thomas Tyler
September Newsletter

Dear Pollard Neighbors:

Fall weather has finally arrived, at least temporarily. The onset of cool mornings and pleasant afternoons has inspired many Pollard residents to take advantage with walks and bike rides around the neighborhood. It’s nice to see so many people enjoying the outdoors.

Fall Membership Drive

As of this date we have collected dues from 54 percent of the homeowners in Pollard Estates. Our goal of 70 percent participation is still achievable if those who have overlooked their dues for this year will remit their payment soon. Reminder invoices were recently mailed and emailed to those who have not paid. Dues have historically been to used to provide security by off-duty police officers. Recently, we have been able to use funds on the following projects:

  • Installation of license plate reader cameras at each entrance

  • Replacement of the deteriorating Pollard Estates sign at Perkins Road

  • Upgrading the website with a more modern look, including the ability to accept payments online

  • Establishing a digital version of the Pollard Estates directory

There are a variety of ways to submit payments, either online, by mailing a check, or just attending a CAPE sponsored event. If you know of a new neighbor who may be interested in joining CAPE, forward them this email or encourage them to visit our website for more information. We continue to appreciate participation by all of our neighbors. 

Fall Wine Walk

The Fall Wine Walk is currently scheduled for Friday, October 15th at 6:00 pm. It was moved up a week to avoid a conflict with the St. Aloysius Fair.  Similar to past events, participants would contribute a bottle of their favorite wine and CAPE would provide various cheeses and crackers to complement the wines provided. Attendees should bring their own glass, but Pollard Estates logo glasses will also be available. Hosts at each tasting station would handle distribution of food and wine with proper sanitation. As a reminder, everyone should practice social distancing or have a face mask for use at your discretion.

If you are interested in hosting a tasting location this fall, or would like to attend the event, please fill out the attendance form here. You may also contact Steve Oivanki directly at (225) 620-5682 with any questions or concerns. We will be in contact with all attendees prior to the event with further instructions and details. 


Halloween events will take place on Sunday October 31st. Neighbors are encouraged to set up at the end of their driveways to reward the little goblins trekking the neighborhood in search of treats.  Please take proper sanitary precautions when handing out treats.  Parents are urged to accompany children during the event, to wear reflective clothing and carry flashlights for night visibility.  Homeowners participating in Trick-or-Treat should have their porch lights on.

CAPE will sponsor a Halloween Decorating Contest again this year, so break out your scariest decorations to liven up the spooky season.  We will reward the contest winner with a gift certificate.

Baton Rouge Stormwater Master Plan

Public meetings are currently being conducted for the Baton Rouge Stormwater Master Plan. Any stakeholders are encouraged to provide their input on what the plan should cover and what mitigation should be incorporated.  The meetings are being conducted virtually by watershed; Pollard Estates is located in the Ward Creek watershed.  When the date and time for that watershed meeting is announced, notifications will be made publicly so residents can participate if they desire.

Hurricane Ida

Debris from the recent storm is piled in most front yards and driveways. To keep track of the progress of debris pickup in Baton Rouge, you can view the following city website here

Pollard Estates Directory

Our updated directory is available on the website and for download here. The directory is updated on a continuous basis with all current homeowners.  As property is transferred or new neighbors move in, please feel free to let us know so we can update our records accordingly.

November Public Board Meeting

Due to the uncertainty regarding the official requirements for public meetings in indoor public venues, the availability of the Fisheries and Wildlife building will be evaluated later in the year to decide if the November public board meeting will take place there. We encourage any neighbors who may have questions or concerns to email us at their convenience. 

We look forward to a pleasant fall and seeing all of you out in the neighborhood and at future CAPE social events.

With best regards,

Board of Directors

Thomas Tyler
New Start Time - CAPE Summer Picnic - Saturday June 12th

Dear Pollard Neighbors -

The timeframe for the Summer Picnic has been extended and will now start at 1 PM. Please join us on Saturday, June 12 at the large vacant lot on South Columbine just south of South Pollard Parkway. CAPE has partnered with Iverstine Butcher to provide food for our members. (Please bring your own beverages of choice). We will also have an inflatable water slide for the kids. This is a great chance to meet your Pollard neighbors and enjoy a day in the sun without masks.

We do need neighbors to volunteer to make everything happen. Preparation and set up will start around 12 PM, so please come early if you can. We will need a few pop-up canopies, lawn chairs and tables as well. Cleanup will start around 5 PM.

For planning purposes, please RSVP by Thursday June 10th with the number of attendees from your family by responding to this message or contacting us s below. If you are looking to volunteer or have items you can donate for use, please provide those details in your response. As always, we will be accepting dues payments at the event, or you can pay online at our website.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the event on June 12th.

Best regards

CAPE Board of Directors

Thomas Tyler
Upcoming CAPE Summer Picnic - Saturday June 12th

Dear Pollard Neighbors -

Summer is upon us and it’s been a few years since we had a CAPE picnic. Please join us on Saturday, June 12 at the large vacant lot on South Columbine just south of South Pollard Parkway. CAPE will be providing hamburgers and hot dogs with a side dish and sweets. (Please bring your own beverages of choice). We will also have an inflatable water slide for the kids. This is a great chance to meet your Pollard neighbors and enjoy a day in the sun without masks.

We do need neighbors to volunteer to make everything happen. Preparation and set up will start around 2 PM, so please come early if you can. We will need a few pop-up canopies, lawn chairs and tables as well. The food will arrive around 3 PM. Cleanup will start around 5 PM.

For planning purposes, please RSVP by Thursday June 10th with the number of attendees from your family by responding to this message or contacting us s below. If you are looking to volunteer or have items you can donate for use, please provide those details in your response. As always, we will be accepting dues payments at the event, or you can pay online at our website.

 The Governor has dropped the mask requirement for outdoor events, and vaccines are available to everyone, so the COVID-19 risk is minimal. Come out and enjoy your freedom with the start of summer. We look forward to a big crowd.

Best regards

CAPE Board of Directors

Thomas Tyler
DATE CHANGE - Spring Wine Walk Moved to Saturday April 24th

Dear Pollard Neighbors:

Because of predicted inclement weather on Friday night, our Spring Wine Walk has been moved to Saturday April 24th at 6:00 pm. Please let us know if you’d like to host a tasting station or attend based on the date change.

For previous reference, the Wine Walk starts at 6:00 pm and usually lasts until about 9:00. The route is usually about 1 mile long with four wine tasting and socializing stations. All you have to do is drop off a bottle of your favorite wine at 5845 South Pollard Parkway prior to April 23rd, and then show up with your wine glass for the walk. CAPE will provide complementary cheeses and crackers for all of the donated wines, which will be divided among the four tasting stations. After half an hour or so, the group will depart each location and leftover wines will be carried forward to the next stop as necessary. As an added option, attendees may join the group along the way, just bring your own beverage of choice for yourself or to share.

To participate, send an email to the address below, or you can contact Steve Oivanki directly at 225-620-5682. We still need volunteers to host tasting stations, so please let us know if you are interested. This involves setting up a table in your front yard or driveway to serve the wines, cheeses, and crackers. We will contact all walkers by Saturday morning with the route of the walk and the location of the tasting stations. This is a great chance to meet your neighbors and share the news (gossip) of the day and relax on Saturday night. We hope to see you all there!

CAPE Board of Directors

Thomas Tyler
Spring Wine Walk Friday April 23rd 6 PM

Dear Pollard Neighbors:

Our Spring Wine Walk is set for this Friday, April 23rd at 6:00 pm.  If you missed our previous Wine Walk last year, you missed a great social and “sommelierian” event. The Wine Walk starts at 6:00 pm and usually lasts until about 9:00. The route is usually about 1 mile long with four wine tasting and socializing stations.

All you have to do is drop off a bottle of your favorite wine at 5845 South Pollard Parkway prior to April 23rd, and then show up with your wine glass for the walk. CAPE will provide complementary cheeses and crackers for all of the donated wines, which will be divided among the four tasting stations. After half an hour or so, the group will depart each location and leftover wines will be carried forward to the next stop as necessary. As an added option, attendees may join the group along the way, just bring your own beverage of choice for yourself or to share.

To participate, send an email to the address below, or you can contact Steve Oivanki directly at 225-620-5682. We still need volunteers to host tasting stations, so please let us know if you are interested. This involves setting up a table in your front yard or driveway to serve the wines, cheeses, and crackers. We will contact all walkers by Friday morning with the route of the walk and the location of the tasting stations. This is a great chance to meet your neighbors and share the news (gossip) of the day and relax on a Friday night. If it happens to rain on Friday evening, we will reschedule for Saturday April 24th. We hope to see you all there!

Best wishes to all,

CAPE Board of Directors

Thomas Tyler
April 2021 Newsletter

Dear Pollard Neighbors:

This Newsletter will address several important issues facing our neighborhood and other neighborhoods in South Baton Rouge. It will also announce the Spring Wine Walk for Pollard Estates.

5G Small Cell Towers

You may have read in the newspaper or heard in the news about the transition of wireless communications in Baton Rouge to the 5G network system. This involves a considerable increase in bandwidth and wireless speed over the current system. In order to achieve the speeds and capacity of 5G, the wireless network carriers are installing small cell towers throughout the coverage area to fill in dead spots in the wireless coverage.

One of these small cell towers is currently installed on Columbine Street in Pollard Estates. It is a 30-foot-tall black pole with a black equipment box at the top, not a very aesthetically pleasing addition to any front yard. The City-Parish has revised its small cell tower ordinance in order to afford residents more input into the permitting of these towers in the future. The towers must be installed in the city road right of way, but residents will now have some leverage to request alternative locations.

Neighborhood associations can now submit preferred alternate locations for these towers to avoid unsightly placement in front yards. AT&T had previously proposed a total of five towers in Pollard Estates, of which one has been built. The CAPE Board surveyed Pollard Estates to find alternate tower locations that would minimally intrude on the aesthetics of the neighborhood. The map linked here shows the location of these alternative tower sites, along with the original proposed sites. We plan to submit these alternative locations to the City-Parish for consideration when the next round of tower permits is being reviewed. These locations are on street corners and in areas where trees, fences, and other utilities would mask the view of the towers from adjacent residences.  There will be additional towers installed in Pollard Estates to implement the 5G system, and we are trying to minimize the visual impact to the extent possible.  If you have any comments on the locations shown on the map, please contact us by email.

Crime Prevention

The Baton Rouge Police Department has instituted a new program to enlist the myriad of private home cameras to help in stopping and solving crimes in Baton Rouge.  The ConnectBlue BR program is a voluntary partnership between the police and the citizens of Baton Rouge.  For residences that have a street-facing camera system, as many do, the first part of the program consists of a ConnectBlue Directory, where residents can register their private camera locations with the Police Department so that when a home burglary, auto break-in, or other criminal activity occurs the police can have a ready directory of cameras in the area that might have photographed the culprits.  In the event of a crime, the police can contact camera owners in the area to request footage of specific cars, persons, and times of the criminal activity to assist in solving the crimes.  There is no cost to join the camera directory and recorded footage will only be requested if a crime occurs.

The second part of the ConnectBlue BR system involves real-time access to private street-facing cameras to assist police responding to crimes or other emergencies in neighborhoods.  This ConnectBlue Camera Share system is also voluntary, but may require a small cost to the homeowner to upgrade the camera and connect it to a modem compatible with the BRPD Real-Time Crime Center.  Police access would only occur if a crime is in progress and police need additional camera coverage to respond to the area. In light of the recent increase in residential crimes in South Baton Rouge, both ConnectBlue BR camera systems are a welcome addition to the law enforcement capabilities in Baton Rouge.  You can visit the website linked here if you are interested in participating in either program.

CAPE Spring Wine Walk - Friday, April 23rd - 6 PM - 9 PM

Spring is here, and it is time for our Spring Wine Walk. If you have not participated in previous CAPE wine walks you are missing out on a great event to meet and socialize with your Pollard neighbors. Residents can participate in the Wine Walk by bringing a bottle of their favorite wine to Steve Oivanki at 5845 South Pollard Parkway. All donated wines will be distributed among four host stops around Pollard Estates, and the walkers will travel from stop to stop sampling wines and complementing cheeses. CAPE will supply the cheeses and crackers to match the wines received. Each walker should provide their own wine glass. The walking route will be approximately one mile in length with stops at each host site of about 30 minutes. The route will be determined by the response received. Because the event is entirely outdoors, the risk for COVID-19 is minimized. Our last wine walk in October 2020 had about 50 participants. Please email us with your interest to attend the event or host a wine walk stop, which would involve setting up the wines and cheeses on a table in your driveway or front yard for the walkers to enjoy. When all of the wines have been received and the host stops decided, the participants will be notified by email of the route to be followed. We look forward to another large turnout for this popular social event.

With Best Regards,

Civic Association of Pollard Estates

Board of Directors

Thomas Tyler
Open Board Meeting and Egg Hunt This Week!

Dear Pollard Neighbors:

This is a friendly reminder of the upcoming events for the week. The CAPE Open Board Meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday March 23rd at 6:00 pm in the meeting room at the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries building on Quail Drive. Light refreshments and snacks will be served.

Our annual Easter Egg Hunt is this Saturday, March 27th at 3 PM at the vacant lot behind 5815 Hibiscus Street, just north of South Columbine Street. Please be sure to deliver at least two dozen filled eggs to Steve Oivanki at 5845 South Pollard Parkway prior to March 27th. All candy should be individually wrapped (please no loose or soft candies). We ask that you consider food allergies when stuffing eggs; small toys are also great fun! We will have refreshments available and the Easter Bunny will be there to cheer on the kids and take pictures.

Please email us with any questions you may have.


Civic Association of Pollard Estates

Board of Directors

Thomas Tyler
March 2021 Newsletter

Dear Pollard Neighbors:

The CAPE Board of Directors invites all Pollard Estates residents to our Open Board Meeting at 6:00 pm, Tuesday, March 23rd, at the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries building on Quail Drive. Light refreshments and snacks will be served.

Due to the Governor’s relaxing of the coronavirus restrictions, LDWF is now allowing public meetings at their facility. All attendees at the meeting are required to wear protective face masks, and the number of attendees will be limited due to required distance separations for seating. This is your chance to hear the latest news about activities in Pollard last year and plans for new activities this year. Our off-duty police patrol will give an update at the meeting on criminal activity in Pollard during the last year and tips for crime prevention in the neighborhood. In addition, we now have a full schedule of social activities planned and listed on our website and Facebook page. Come out on Tuesday, March 23rd and meet your neighbors.


We are currently collecting 2021 dues, reaching almost 50% participation so far this year! Feel free to join us at the upcoming Open Board Meeting, where we can accept your payment. If you are unsure whether you have paid your dues for this year, please feel free to email us at the address listed below.

The $100 annual dues per residence are primarily used to pay for off-duty police patrols and upkeep and insurance for common grounds at the front of the neighborhood on Perkins Road. Additional expenses include electrical costs for lighting and wireless connections for the license plate reader cameras that have been installed to cover entrances to Pollard, website and email expenses, office expenses, and our sponsored neighborhood social events throughout the year.

CAPE Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday March 27th at 3 PM - Vacant Lot behind 5815 Hibicus Street, just north of South Columbine Street

We welcome all members and their children to participate in our annual Easter Egg hunt. To participate, please deliver two dozen filled eggs to Steve Oivanki at 5845 South Pollard Parkway prior to March 27th. All candy should be individually wrapped (please no loose or soft candies). We ask that you consider food allergies when stuffing eggs; small toys are also great fun! We will have refreshments available and the Easter Bunny will be there to cheer on the kids and take pictures.

We hope to see everyone at our upcoming Open Board Meeting, and are looking forward to our upcoming events this year.

Civic Association of Pollard Estates

Board of Directors

Thomas Tyler
January 2021 Newsletter

Dear Neighbors,

We would like to start out by thanking all of our 2020 members! A strong participation in CAPE from the neighborhood is essential to our success. The Board is working hard to build a stronger sense of community and togetherness in Pollard Estates. We currently have a few vacancies on our Board, and we would love fresh faces and ideas to join our cause. If you are interested in serving, please reach out to us via email at the address listed above.

In 2019, we were able to facilitate the installation of license plate reader cameras at the entrances to our neighborhoods. All license plate information is transmitted to BRPD automatically for review of suspect vehicles. This security measure is an addition to our regular off-duty police patrols.

With the success of CAPE sponsored social events in 2019, we started 2020 with a variety of scheduled events catering to all of our residents. While some events were unable to be hosted because of the pandemic, we were able host some safe events for our neighbors to participate in, such as the Art and Wine Walks as well as our Halloween events and Christmas Caroling. We are currently planning our schedule of events for 2021, so feel free to reach out with any ideas you may have and check our website and Facebook page regularly for updates.

Also in 2020, we updated our neighborhood directory, including contact information for each residence. A digital version is now available on our website for neighbors to access at their convenience. Please let us know via email if you wish to make any changes to the details included in the directory. The password for access can be provided on request.

As a CAPE member, your dues have been utilized for private security patrols by off-duty Baton Rouge Police officers, insurance coverage, maintenance of the common areas and CAPE sponsored events. The amount being assessed for the period of January 1, 2021, through December 31, 2021, is One Hundred Dollars and Zero Cents ($100.00), which is indicated on your invoice. Invoices will be delivered via email to the address on file for each property and can be paid when received, online on our website or via check to the address listed below. If any of your contact information has changed, visit our website to update your details or contact us below.

Regardless of whether you own or lease a property, we invite and encourage all neighbors to be active in CAPE and to help us make this neighborhood a better place to reside. If you have any questions or concerns or feel that you have received this notice in error, please feel free to contact us below.

Thank you for your support of CAPE and also for your commitment to keeping our neighborhood the best kept secret in Baton Rouge! If you should need anything from us, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

CAPE Board of Directors

Thomas Tyler
Happy Holidays From CAPE

Merry Christmas Pollard Estates,

As we approach the end of an eventful and frustrating year, we wish all of our Pollard Estates neighbors the very best this Christmas season and pray that you and yours remain safe and joyful as we celebrate the holidays.

Our Christmas Decorating Contest this year was an overwhelming success.  There are more colorfully lit and decorated homes in Pollard Estates this year than ever before.  With so many wonderful decorations to choose from, the judging for the contest was especially close.  The winner this year is the home of James and Jennifer Bailey, located at 5945 Forsythia Avenue, at the corner of Forsythia and Dahlia.  The Wolf residence at 1712 Dahlia was a close second.  Congratulations to the Baileys for a wonderful Christmas display.

With best wishes for a wonderful Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year,

CAPE Board of Directors

Thomas Tyler
Christmas Caroling This Friday!

Dear Pollard Neighbors,

As a reminder, neighborhood Christmas caroling will be this Friday, December 18th. We are still looking for a few households who may like our carolers to stop at their house. Please email us Wednesday, December 16th or feel free to call (225) 755-9119 and let us know your name and address.

As we have done in prior years, a large decorated trailer will be provided for kids (and a few adults) to ride around the neighborhood. Pizza, hot chocolate, bottled water, and cookies will be provided, as well as various Christmas attire items to add to the festivities. Guitar accompaniment will keep everyone in tune and Christmas music sheets will be provided to help remember the words to the songs.

Due to the current COVID 19 situation, participants should evaluate their individual risk factors for a gathering of this type.  The event will be entirely outdoors where we can maintain a low risk of spreading the virus. Masks should be worn when social distancing is not possible, such as when riding on the trailer. However, we will spread out to sing at each stop.

Friday evening, all carolers should meet at the home of Matt and Sarah Gamble (5823 South Pollard Parkway) starting at 5 PM. We will load up and start the caroling route around 6 PM and return in about 1 ½ to 2 hours to the same location. We have always had a great turnout, and we look forward to seeing everyone there. 

Also, our Christmas decorating contest is currently ongoing, and many neighbors have done a great job brightening up the neighborhood for the holidays. The winner will be announced on December 21st with a home decorating gift certificate.  

With warmest holiday wishes,

CAPE Board of Directors

Thomas Tyler
November 2020 Newsletter

Dear Pollard Neighbors,

We hope this newsletter finds all Pollard Estates residents well and preparing for the joy of the holidays and the spirit of Thanksgiving and Christmas.

November Board Meeting

The Board hosted a recent closed meeting in November via ZOOM on November 16th, but with less than a quorum of board members present due to various circumstances.  Our scheduled November open board meeting was not possible due to lack of a suitable venue as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic.  We have started posting recent meeting minutes on our website, where neighbors can review them at their convenience. 

C.A.P.E. Directory 

The C.A.P.E. directory of residential members is currently being maintained on our website and is updated as new members join and properties change ownership.  The directory file is password-protected, and the password is available to members by emailing us a request. 

Power Line Clearance

As noted in the November meeting minutes, the Board is recommending that residents be proactive about preventing another large-scale power outage in Pollard when a storm strikes.  Each resident should go in their backyard where elevated power lines are located and identify any potentially dangerous overhanging limbs or trees that could threaten power lines during high wind events, and Entergy should be notified to clear the threatening limbs before they fall and interrupt power.  By doing this before a storm, power interruptions can be kept to a minimum.  If you find any vegetation threatening power lines, you can contact Entergy via their website at You will need to login to your Entergy account to request this service. Others have found that calling them usually doesn’t get any attention.

Christmas Events

The Pollard Estates Christmas decorating contest begins right after Thanksgiving. The winner will be announced on December 21st with a home decorating gift certificate.  Let’s brighten up the neighborhood for the holidays.

Neighborhood Christmas caroling has been a success in recent years, and we will continue the tradition this year on Friday, December 18th. A large decorated trailer will be provide for kids (and a few adults) to ride around the neighborhood. Pizza, hot chocolate, bottled water, and cookies will be provided, as well as various Christmas attire items to add to the festivities. Guitar accompaniment will keep everyone in tune and Christmas music sheets will be provided to help remember the words to the songs. If any residents would like a caroling stop at their house, please let us know via email by Monday, December 14th so we can plan the travel route accordingly. 

Due to the current COVID 19 situation, participants should evaluate their individual risk factors for a gathering of this type.  The event will be entirely outdoors where we can maintain a low risk of spreading the virus. Masks should be worn when social distancing is not possible, such as when riding on the trailer. However, we will spread out to sing at each stop.

All carolers should meet at the home of Matt and Sarah Gamble (5823 South Pollard Parkway) starting at 5 PM. We will load up and start the caroling route around 6 PM and return in about 1 ½ to 2 hours to the same location. We have always had a great turnout, and we look forward to seeing everyone there. 

With warmest holiday wishes,

CAPE Board of Directors

Thomas Tyler
October 2020 Newsletter

Dear Pollard Neighbors:

As Halloween descends upon us Saturday night we want to remind everyone to be safe and warm for Trick-or-Treat.  This cold snap will require warm clothes for walking around at night, so dress the little ones accordingly.  Please wear reflective clothing where possible.  While black is the norm for Halloween costumes, it does make nighttime visibility difficult for drivers.  Carrying flashlights will help night drivers avoid little ghosts and goblins.  Parents should accompany children as they make their rounds collecting goodies.

Trick-or-Treat hours should last between 6:00 and 8:00 pm.  We request that homeowners set up tables at the ends of driveways like last year to make it easier for the kids to get from house to house.  If you want the kids to knock on your door, please leave your porch lights on.  Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions, homeowners should hand out candy and have a bottle of hand sanitizer handy and use it often.  Please wear sanitary masks during Trick-or-Treat.  To avoid potentially spreading the virus, kids should not be allowed to grab candy from containers at each stop.

The winner of the Halloween decorating contest this year is David Rodrique and Kristy Hoffman at 1457 Pollard Parkway, an impressive display.  Other significant runners-up are:

  • Carey and Kathryn Clifton – 1481 Pollard Parkway

  • Jerry and Lori Boyce – 1434 Pollard Parkway

  • Matt and Sarah Gamble – 5825 South Pollard Parkway

  • Emmett and Melissa Healy – 5734 Hyacinth Avenue

  • Bill and Margaret Martin – 5866 Hibiscus Drive

There are lots of other spooky decorations around the neighborhood, so look around and enjoy what should be perfect weather for a delightful Halloween.

CAPE Board of Directors

Thomas Tyler
Fall Wine Walk This Weekend!

Dear Pollard Neighbors:

Our fall Wine Walk is set for this Friday, October 16th at 6:00 pm.  After careful consideration of the potential health risks involved with public gatherings, there are a few changes from our previous events. Participants are asked to provide wine to the event by dropping off contributions to 5845 South Pollard Parkway by Thursday October 15th. There will be four host locations in the neighborhood and the contributions will be distributed equally among each stop.

Each participant should provide their own wine glass. CAPE will be providing complementary cheeses and crackers for hosts to serve with proper sanitary procedures. Please bring a face mask to wear when social distancing is not possible. After half an hour or so, the group will depart each location and leftover wines will be carried forward to the next stop as necessary.

As an added option, attendees may join the group at any of the locations at the approximate times noted below. Please be sure to bring your own beverage of choice for yourself or to share.

The route is about one mile long, and the host locations are located approximately equal distance apart to provide a loop through the neighborhood.

The route will proceed as follows (approximate times of arrival):

  • 6:00 PM - Zeb & Quincy Scott – 1685 Pollard Parkway

  • 6:45 PM – Dean & Rachel Webre – 5945 Hyacinth Avenue

  • 7:30 PM – Jason & Kate Pettrey – 1366 Dahlia Street

  • 8:15 PM – Robert & Abbey Gauthier – 1456 Pollard Parkway

The weather should be cool this weekend and very pleasant for a nice stroll through the neighborhood.  I look forward to seeing you all on Friday night.

Steve Oivanki

CAPE President

Thomas Tyler
September 2020 Newsletter

Dear Pollard Neighbors:

Fall weather has finally arrived.  The onset of cool mornings and pleasant afternoons has inspired many Pollard residents to take advantage with walks and bike rides around the neighborhood.  It’s nice to see so many people enjoying the outdoors.  

Fall Wine Walk

With the coronavirus still a threat, but hopefully winding down, we would like to gauge interest in our next social event, the Fall Wine Walk.  It is currently scheduled for Friday night, October 16th at 7:00 pm.   Because it is an outdoor event with a limited number of participants, the coronavirus risk is much less than an indoor gathering.  We feel that, with common sense precautions, such as face masks, social distancing, and limited handling of food and spirits, we could have an enjoyable and much needed social gathering to bring some form of normalcy to this crazy year.

The event would follow the same protocol as last year.  Participants would contribute a bottle of their favorite wine and CAPE would provide various cheeses and crackers to complement the wines provided.  We would need several residents to volunteer as hosts to set up tables in their yards or driveways where the wines and food would be available.  Everyone should bring their own wine glass.  Additionally, to meet coronavirus safety requirements, everyone should have a protective face mask to wear when social distancing is not possible.  The hosts at each tasting station would handle the pouring of wine and distribution of food with proper sanitization.  Participants would walk from station to station as before to sample the various wines provided.  Based on past experience, the whole event would last about 2 hours, starting at 7:00 pm.

If you are interested in participating, you can email us (linked below) or you can contact Steve Oivanki directly at 225-620-5682.  Steve will also collect and distribute the wines and arrange for the cheeses and designation of the walking route and tasting stations.  If enough interest is generated, an invitation will be extended by email with instructions for delivering the wine and a map of the walking route.  We have about 3 weeks to set this up, so email or call with your interest as soon as possible.


Barring any negative directives from local or state government, Halloween will still take place on October 31st this year.  Residents are encouraged to set up like last year, with tables located at the end of driveways to reward the little goblins trekking the neighborhood in search of treats.  Please wear face masks and use hand sanitizer when handing out treats.  Parents are urged to accompany children during Trick-or-Treat and to wear reflective clothing and carry flashlights for night visibility.  Homeowners participating in Trick-or-Treat should have their porch lights on.

CAPE will sponsor a Halloween Decorating Contest again this year, so break out your scariest decorations to liven up the spooky season.  We will reward the contest winner with a gift certificate.

Website Update

With help from the Board, our updated website is now online at  Newsletters, events, and general information about the neighborhood can be found here.  In addition, the website now has a built-in feature to pay your dues; so if you haven’t done so yet, please take advantage of this new feature.  As of this date we have collected dues from 67 percent of the homeowners in Pollard Estates.  Our goal of 70 percent participation is still achievable with about ten more dues payments. 

2020 Pollard Directory

Our updated directory is available on the website and through this DropBox link for download.  The directory is updated on a continuous basis with all current homeowners.  As property is transferred or new neighbors move in, please feel free to let us know so we can update our records accordingly.

November Public Board Meeting

Due to the unavailability of our usual meeting space at the Wildlife and Fisheries building due to Covid-19 restrictions, we will not have a CAPE public board meeting in November.  Instead we will have a closed board meeting on or about November 15th.  If any members have specific questions for the Board, they should send them to us using the link below so they can be addressed at the meeting.  Following the meeting, the minutes, along with answers to each submitted question will be emailed to the members.  We apologize for the inconvenience, but we are unable to find a suitable alternative meeting venue at this time.

In the meantime, stay safe and practice the usual Covid-19 precautions, masks in public and in crowds, social distancing, and proper hygiene.  We look forward to seeing all of you in the future at CAPE social events and out in the neighborhood.

With best regards,

Board of Directors

Thomas Tyler
August 2020 Newsletter

Dear Pollard Estates Neighbors:

I hope this Newsletter finds all of you safe and in good health.  With the coronavirus still a threat, our normal schedule of events for Pollard Estates has been upended.  The spring picnic was cancelled due to state restrictions in place for large gatherings.  Our next planned social event is the fall Wine Walk currently scheduled for mid-October.  We will evaluate the viability of that event when the date gets closer to see if we can still accommodate the crowd (usually about 30-40 participants) and under what conditions.  Hopefully the virus will have abated enough by then to allow neighbors to socialize.
2020 CAPE Dues
As of this date we have collected dues from 59 percent of the homeowners in Pollard Estates.  Our goal of 70 percent participation is still achievable if those who have overlooked their dues for this year will remit their payment soon.  A reminder invoice will be mailed this month to those who have not paid.  We have several additional expenses this year, including the license plate reader cameras installation and maintenance, repairs to the irrigation system at the front entrance, and replacement of the deteriorating Pollard Estates sign at the front entrance.  We also plan to replace the CAPE website with a more modern and user-friendly site.  The digital Pollard Estates directory is being updated periodically as new residents move in, so you might want to update your copy if you haven’t done so in a while.
There are still a few “nightcrawlers” out there burglarizing carports and vehicles after dark.  Please be sure your vehicles are locked at night and remove all valuables, lawn equipment, bicycles, and tools from open carports each night.  The incidents are usually crimes of convenience, preying on unlocked vehicles and readily visible items of opportunity.
There is an increasing number of coyote sightings in Pollard Estates, both at night and in the middle of the day.  While these intruders are usually frightened by humans, they are looking for any small animals (dogs and cats) that might be around for an easy meal.  Numerous cat remains have been found in back yards around Pollard.  The coyotes generally come in from the woods at the back of the neighborhood, from the cleared area of Rouzan, or from the area around Dawson Creek.  Please keep your pets inside, especially after dark, to avoid an unpleasant discovery.
There is a new four-way stop sign installed at the intersection of South Pollard Parkway and South Columbine.  It was installed due to the concentration of children on bikes and scooters at that intersection and the need for slowing vehicles on South Pollard.  I live one house down from the intersection on South Pollard and have observed vehicles, both Pollard residents and contractors, speeding through that intersection on South Pollard without even slowing down.  Please observe the speed limit (25 mph) and the stop signs for the sake of the children.  If this reckless behavior continues it is only a matter of time before there is a tragedy at that intersection.
In the meantime, stay safe and practice the usual Covid19 precautions, masks in public and in crowds, social distancing, and proper hygiene.  I look forward to seeing all of you in the future at CAPE social events and at the open CAPE meeting in November.
With best regards,

Steve Oivanki, President
Civic Association of Pollard Estates

Thomas Tyler
May 2020 Newsletter

Dear Pollard Neighbors:

There are a few updates we wanted to share with everyone regarding events around the neighborhood:

May Wine Walk
The Wine Walk Scheduled for May 15th has been cancelled due to the directive issued by the Governor to continue the shelter at home order until the middle of the month. Since past wine walks have included many more than 10 people, the scheduled May Wine Walk would likely also exceed the COVID 19 social distancing guidelines.

Pollard Estates 2020 Directory
The 2020 neighborhood directory for Pollard Estates has been completed, to the extent that the current situation permits. It is compiled from the CAPE membership list maintained by the treasurer. There are numerous rental properties in Pollard Estates with considerable turnover, so most of those are listed as rentals with no contact information, unless the occupants pay CAPE dues. Also, as properties are sold and purchased, the listed occupants may not be correct unless they also join CAPE. Please look through the directory and send us any corrections or additions you find based on your knowledge of your neighbors. The Directory can be accessed by clicking on the following link.
You can download the file or print it if you prefer. We will update the file as corrections and additions come in throughout the year. If you would prefer a printed bound copy, please send a request to our email listed at the end of this Newsletter. Also, if you know of a neighbor who does not have Internet access, please order a printed copy for them.

Social Distancing
As a reminder, when future community events occur, please be mindful of social distancing guidelines and protection methods. We hope that these events can help break up the monotony of the quarantine, but please don't ruin these efforts by getting too close to others. We will keep you posted about future CAPE events as conditions permit.

Please check your records to be sure you have paid 2020 CAPE dues ($100 per household).  These continue to help to pay for our neighborhood security patrols, camera operations, and landscaping. You can pay online at the link below or mail your check to the address below. If you are unsure of your current dues status, feel free to email us for more information.

Thank you and stay safe.

Board of Directors
Civic Association of Pollard Estates

Thomas Tyler