September 2020 Newsletter
Dear Pollard Neighbors:
Fall weather has finally arrived. The onset of cool mornings and pleasant afternoons has inspired many Pollard residents to take advantage with walks and bike rides around the neighborhood. It’s nice to see so many people enjoying the outdoors.
Fall Wine Walk
With the coronavirus still a threat, but hopefully winding down, we would like to gauge interest in our next social event, the Fall Wine Walk. It is currently scheduled for Friday night, October 16th at 7:00 pm. Because it is an outdoor event with a limited number of participants, the coronavirus risk is much less than an indoor gathering. We feel that, with common sense precautions, such as face masks, social distancing, and limited handling of food and spirits, we could have an enjoyable and much needed social gathering to bring some form of normalcy to this crazy year.
The event would follow the same protocol as last year. Participants would contribute a bottle of their favorite wine and CAPE would provide various cheeses and crackers to complement the wines provided. We would need several residents to volunteer as hosts to set up tables in their yards or driveways where the wines and food would be available. Everyone should bring their own wine glass. Additionally, to meet coronavirus safety requirements, everyone should have a protective face mask to wear when social distancing is not possible. The hosts at each tasting station would handle the pouring of wine and distribution of food with proper sanitization. Participants would walk from station to station as before to sample the various wines provided. Based on past experience, the whole event would last about 2 hours, starting at 7:00 pm.
If you are interested in participating, you can email us (linked below) or you can contact Steve Oivanki directly at 225-620-5682. Steve will also collect and distribute the wines and arrange for the cheeses and designation of the walking route and tasting stations. If enough interest is generated, an invitation will be extended by email with instructions for delivering the wine and a map of the walking route. We have about 3 weeks to set this up, so email or call with your interest as soon as possible.
Barring any negative directives from local or state government, Halloween will still take place on October 31st this year. Residents are encouraged to set up like last year, with tables located at the end of driveways to reward the little goblins trekking the neighborhood in search of treats. Please wear face masks and use hand sanitizer when handing out treats. Parents are urged to accompany children during Trick-or-Treat and to wear reflective clothing and carry flashlights for night visibility. Homeowners participating in Trick-or-Treat should have their porch lights on.
CAPE will sponsor a Halloween Decorating Contest again this year, so break out your scariest decorations to liven up the spooky season. We will reward the contest winner with a gift certificate.
Website Update
With help from the Board, our updated website is now online at Newsletters, events, and general information about the neighborhood can be found here. In addition, the website now has a built-in feature to pay your dues; so if you haven’t done so yet, please take advantage of this new feature. As of this date we have collected dues from 67 percent of the homeowners in Pollard Estates. Our goal of 70 percent participation is still achievable with about ten more dues payments.
2020 Pollard Directory
Our updated directory is available on the website and through this DropBox link for download. The directory is updated on a continuous basis with all current homeowners. As property is transferred or new neighbors move in, please feel free to let us know so we can update our records accordingly.
November Public Board Meeting
Due to the unavailability of our usual meeting space at the Wildlife and Fisheries building due to Covid-19 restrictions, we will not have a CAPE public board meeting in November. Instead we will have a closed board meeting on or about November 15th. If any members have specific questions for the Board, they should send them to us using the link below so they can be addressed at the meeting. Following the meeting, the minutes, along with answers to each submitted question will be emailed to the members. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we are unable to find a suitable alternative meeting venue at this time.
In the meantime, stay safe and practice the usual Covid-19 precautions, masks in public and in crowds, social distancing, and proper hygiene. We look forward to seeing all of you in the future at CAPE social events and out in the neighborhood.
With best regards,
Board of Directors