
April 2018 Newsletter

We are happy to report that CAPE membership is now near 60%! Thank you to all who have sent in dues and encouraged neighbors to do the same! As you know, increasing membership participation is the best way to keep Pollard Estates safe and beautiful with engaged members both in the neighborhood and with our local government.

The inaugural CAPE Easter Egg Hunt was a wonderful success! Thank you to all who participated, especially to Michael Cascio for being the most enthusiastic Easter Bunny ever, the Miller Family for hosting us on their beautiful property and the Gamble Family for supplying us with cool water to drink and helping to clean up. We had over 40 children in attendance and they all left with baskets full of toys and treats!

Events like the Easter Egg Hunt and upcoming Spring Walk/Run are a great way to get to know your neighbors. Connecting and knowing one another helps to make Pollard Estates stronger and safer. A bonus is that it's also pretty fun! We'd love to see you so please check out our CALENDAR and make plans to join us!

If you're not the social type but would still like to help strengthen our neighborhood, please consider joining a committee. The Government Relations Committee in particular could use help following up with local officials on the many drainage and traffic calming issues in our subdivision. If you have the time to write some emails or make some phone calls, we'd greatly appreciate your help!

Councilwoman Barbara Freiberg recently held a District 12 meeting at St. Aloysius. There was a lot of talk about the 1-10 Widening project, Rouzan and some other traffic / drainage issues. Here are some notes:

I-10 Widening

  • Director pushing for the gas tax to fund projects;

  • Funding will be in place by the end of the year;

  • Widening of I-10 from bridge to split discussed;

  • No final designs yet;

  • Perkins Road off ramp will be closed;

  • Public meetings will be scheduled;

  • Current Washington Street exit to be closed.  New exit will be installed on left side of I-110;

  • Construction on I-10 from Highland to Ascension is starting soon.


  • Connection to streets in Rouzan to Woodchase is scheduled to be complete within 120 days;

  • Work will include landscaping and rework of sidewalks along Perkins Road;

  • Lot of Library has been designated.  Needs library board approval;

  • TND will need to be adjusted for grocery announced for the property;

  • New drainage and traffic studies will be produced;

  • May ask for more commercial at a later date;

  • Looking at adjusting the TND to reduce number of smaller lots to provide more estate size lots in rear of the property;

  • Amenities will be the first construction.

 EBR Traffic/Drainage - Fred Raiford is director / Kyle Huffstickler is director of maintenance

  • Construction of turn lane at Perkins/Quail intersection should start by end of the year;

  • The best way to report issues is through the 311 mobile app or on your desktop by clicking HERE.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us by

Kelley Stein, President

Thomas Tyler