
September 2018 Newsletter

September is here and that means 2 things: Football and Halloween! Your CAPE Board is busy planning a handful of activities to bring us together this fall and we hope you will join us!

Our first Tailgate Party is next weekend! We will have the LSU vs. Auburn game on TV and encourage residents to bring out their best tailgate gear! Many thanks to the LaBorde Family for hosting the party on their property. Up next is our Halloween Decorating Contest and traditional Trick or Treat which will take place throughout the entire neighborhood this year. We need volunteer support for Trick or Treat so please let us know if you are interested in helping. You can see details on all 3 events below, on our website, on our Facebook Group Page and on the Nextdoor app. Get out and join us, and please invite your neighbors! A big thank you goes out to Charlotte Guidroz for planning these events for all of us to enjoy!

August was a whirlwind with the start of school, but we did manage to pull off a great CAPE Membership Drive thanks to the efforts of your Board of Directors, especially Chris Eldredge and Thomas Tyler. Every resident who had not paid dues by August first received another invoice via US Post. We also personally called each resident who had not yet paid. (This showed that a lot of our contact information for residents needs to be updated. Please let us know if your email or phone number has changed or if you no longer live in Pollard Estates.) Our efforts yielded 19 new members in the August drive! We are now just 13 homes away from reaching our 70% participation in CAPE. This is a tremendous success rate as most neighborhood associations struggle to reach 50%. Thank you all for your support!

All residents who paid their 2018 dues by September 1 were entered into a drawing to receive FREE dues for 2019. The winners of that drawing are David and Myria Butler of 1483 Dahlia! Congratulations and thank you for supporting CAPE!

One of our new Government Relations chairs, Blake Breedlove, recently met with Fred Raiford and Kyle Huffstickler with the Baton Rouge Department of Drainage and Transportation. We are happy to report that cleaning out of Dawson Creek (and other area tributaries) was approved by the federal government and will go out for bid in late 2018 or early 2019 as part of the Comite Diversion and EBR Flood Risk Management Project. They will be clearing Dawson Creek of fallen trees as well as trees growing inside the banks after the job is awarded. Fred hopes to take it all the way up to Claycut, so Pollard Estates will definitely be involved. Thank you, Blake, for keeping us informed of this project!

As always, we appreciate your efforts in making Pollard Estates the best neighborhood in Baton Rouge! Please feel free to reach out to us at any time with questions, comments or concerns as your feedback is vital to our success.

Kelley Stein, President

Thomas Tyler