August 2018 Newsletter
It's August and that means 2 things in Pollard Estates: Another CAPE Membership Drive and children are going back to school!
Our Spring Membership Drive was quite successful and we're hoping to continue the momentum this August. We will have signs out for the remainder of the month reminding you to pay dues and invoices are going out to those who have yet to pay for 2018. Additionally, anyone who has paid their 2018 dues prior to August 31 will be entered into a drawing for FREE 2019 dues! We are just 32 homes away from meeting our goal of 70% participation. Please join CAPE today at You can pay online and set up reoccurring payments so that you don't even have to think about it next year!
Back to school is the perfect time to address the speeding issue we have in Pollard Estates. I waited at the bus stop with my kids this morning and saw firsthand how out of control the situation really is. Most of the drivers I saw were also quite distracted and looking down instead of looking at the road, and most were residents of Pollard Estates. It was frightening to see, especially knowing that my children (age 11 and 4) will get on and off the bus within feet of these numerous distracted and speeding drivers. I know we are all rushed all the time, especially in the mornings, but there are many small children in our neighborhood who require and deserve a safe environment to get on / off the bus, ride bikes, play, etc. I saw joggers and people on bikes who also require and deserve this safety. And I saw other drivers who were paying attention and obeying the speed limit who also require and deserve to be safe on the road. Speeding and distracted driving puts all of their lives (and your own) at risk.
Your CAPE Board is working very hard to keep our neighborhood streets safe. We have 3 more stop signs that we are working on getting installed: On South Pollard Parkway at South Columbine (both directions); on Dahlia at Hibiscus and Hyacinth (both directions); and on Pollard Parkway at Dahlia (by the front entrance in both directions). In the coming weeks, some of you will get a knock on your door to sign a petition for installation of these additional stop signs. We are doing this because speeding in the neighborhood is out of control and because many, many neighbors have requested it. Please let us know if you would like to help with the petition process.
I would like to encourage you all to report the license plate number of speeders and distracted drivers. The number to report non-emergency matters is 225-389-2000. Please let us know after you make the report so that we can have our security patrol follow up.
Please remind all drivers in your household that the speed limit is 25 MPH.
Kelley Stein, President