October 2018 Newsletter
Those of you who know me also know that I really love Halloween. Not only is it so creative and fun, but it also offers up a wonderful way to meet your neighbors through Trick or Treat!
In years past, Trick or Treat has been dead in Pollard Estates. It has recently been brought back to life "in the back" and we are so grateful for the many people who have helped to make that happen. With the influx of young families moving into the neighborhood, it's time to expand. This year, we will have traditional Trick or Treat throughout the entire neighborhood!
Pollard Estates is quite large, the houses are somewhat far apart, our many beautiful trees block light and there are no sidewalks. This means we will need to get creative on each street to help our little monsters get all of the candy they possibly can and as safely as they can. With that in mind, here is the plan for Trick or Treat:
Trick or Treat will be from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, October 31. Anyone driving in the neighborhood at this time should take special precautions and watch for children!
Please give out candy in your driveway rather than having children knock on your door. This will keep them from having to walk all the way up the driveway and save them precious time to canvas the neighborhood for candy.
If you prefer to have kids knock, please remember to turn on your lights so they will know that knocking on your door means they get a special treat. Houses without lights on should be skipped by Trick or Treaters.
We have a handful of families that will host activities in their front yards to promote movement throughout the neighborhood but we could use a few more so please register HERE if interested! A list of homes with special activities will be emailed out on Monday, October 29. Please look for that email and share it with your kids and neighbors!
The houses having special activities will also be our hay ride stops for the night. We are looking for people who would be willing to drive hay rides around to these hay ride stops. Please let us know if you have a truck and trailer and are interested in helping!
Trick or Treaters should wear reflective or glow in the dark items and carry flashlights.
Trick or Treaters should be accompanied be accompanied by an adult.
Finally, the Halloween decorating contest will be judged on Thursday, October 25 in the evening and the winner will be announced on Halloween Day.
I hope you all will get in the spooky spirit of Trick or Treat and give Pollard Estates children a Halloween they will never forget!
Kelley Stein, President