September 2019 Newsletter
I hope this newsletter finds all of you enjoying the benefits of air conditioning. With temperatures in the mid to high 90s, it's a good time to binge-watch your favorite series, catch your favorite team on TV, or read a book inside. The hurricane season has been favorable to us so far, let's hope that trend continues.
Wine Walk - 6:30 pm September 27th
Due to popular demand from the last event, we have scheduled another Wine Walk for Friday, September 27th. Hopefully, the temperature will be more accommodating than it was for the last one. We are calling for all interested adult Pollard residents to pick out their favorite wine to participate. The format will be the same as last time; residents will drop off a bottle of wine per couple at Charlotte Guidroz's house, 5975 South Pollard Parkway. When all participants have been registered, we will distribute the wines among the Host stops along with crackers and cheeses to complement each wine. Each participant will bring their own wine glass. The Walk will proceed from stop to stop sampling wines along the way and enjoying neighborly conversations. We are again asking for volunteer Hosts to sponsor a stop at their driveway along the route. The route will be determined by the location of the Host stops throughout the neighborhood.
The Wine Walk will start at 6:30 pm on September 27th and will likely end around 9:00. The deadline for delivering your wines to Charlotte is 8:00 pm on Wednesday, September 25th. This will give us time to gather the appropriate complementary cheeses and other necessary supplies. We will have non-alcoholic beverages available for those who do not drink wine. A good time was had by all at the last Wine Walk, and we look forward to an even larger crowd this time.
The license plate reader (LPR) camera system is finally coming to fruition. We've had numerous problems with proposed camera locations, securing permits from the city, getting approval from Entergy for power hookups, and structuring an appropriate agreement for donation of the camera system by a Pollard resident. George Caballero has been a bulldog in getting all of the problems resolved and we should finally be able to start the installation this month. The C.A.P.E. Board, along with the Woodchase subdivision board, will execute a contract for installation and sharing of monthly operating expenses. Hopefully these cameras will aid in reducing or eliminating the spate of burglaries and other criminal mischief that has recently occurred in Pollard Estates. Some of our off-duty police patrols have also been shifted to late-night/early morning to curb criminal activity occurring during that time period.
I see more dog owners walking their pets in the neighborhood every day with plastic poop-scoop bags to pick up waste. While that is encouraging, there are still come hold-outs who do not pick up their pet's droppings. Please be courteous and clean up after your dogs. The plastic bag that the daily newspaper is delivered in provides a handy, no-cost baggie to assist with this chore.
C.A.P.E. Dues
We have received dues from 67 percent of Pollard residents thus far for 2019. There will be another membership drive starting with the November Open Board Meeting. In addition to the various social events throughout the year, the primary use of C.A.P.E. dues is to pay for the off-duty police patrols in the neighborhood and the upkeep of the common grounds at the entrance on Perkins Road. If you have not yet paid your dues for this year, please do so as soon as possible.
I hope to see you all at the Wine Walk on September 27th.
Steve Oivanki, President