July 2019 Newsletter
The Wine Walk we had last month was a rousing success. Thirty-five Pollard neighbors participated and we walked about one mile through the neighborhood enjoying good conversation, wines and cheese along the way. We would like to especially thank David and Joanna Faerber, Emmet and Melissa Healy, and Ryan and Holly Bilbo for hosting the stops along the route. Based on feedback from the participants, we will plan to have another Wine Walk later in the year when the temperature gets a little cooler. Thanks to all who participated to make this event a success.
Currently we have about 60% participation for 2019. In the next month, we will be distributing a notice to residents who have not paid 2019 dues. While some of our funding allows C.A.P.E to host various social events throughout the year, the primary use of dues collected is to pay for off-duty police patrols in the neighborhood and for maintenance of the common areas at the entrance on Perkins Road. If you wish to check on the status of your membership or pay online, please check our website or email mail@pollardestates.org for more information.
Neighborhood Security
There was a rash of burglaries, car break-ins, and other mischief in Pollard during the past few weeks. The crimes occurred in the early morning hours on South Pollard Parkway near the entrance from Quail and up past Dahlia, Hyacinth and Columbine. The perpetrators appeared to be on bicycles and the items stolen were items of convenience, either in the open or in unlocked cars.
If you have been a victim of a crime in Pollard, please call the Baton Rouge Police Department (225-389-3863) and report the crime. Feel free to email mail@pollardestates.org to provide additional details. Use our online Nextdoor community or Facebook page to share your story and any facts that may be pertinent for your neighbors to know. Additional information such as videos or photos from personal security cameras may be helpful in ongoing investigations.
The best deterrent to crime is not giving an opportunity for crime. The following tips may help you prevent crime, and, in doing so, you will help our police department to do a better job.
Leave exterior lights on all night.
Install good deadbolt locks and use them.
Use timers or smart lights for indoor and outdoor lights to come on at a set schedule.
Install home security cameras.
Adequately secure all windows with secondary locking devices.
Lock garage doors and windows. Make sure anything that could be taken is out of sight – lawn mowers, bikes, weed-trimmers, etc.
Keep cars in driveways locked and leave nothing in the car that could be seen and stolen.
Do not advertise that you are away from home.
Be neighborly but be suspicious of strangers in the area.
If you have an alarm system, turn it on every time you leave.
While you’re away:
Use timers or smart lights for indoor and outdoor lights to come on at a set schedule.
Make sure that newspapers and mail/packages are picked up. If you have an exterior mail box, delay of mail delivery can be requested through USPS.
Ask a neighbor to watch your home for ‘movers’ or ‘repair people’ when no one is home.
As an additional courtesy, our neighborhood off-duty patrol officers will monitor your house while you are away. Please contact George Caballero, C.A.P.E. Security, at mail@pollardestates.org. Include the dates that you will be away and the type of any vehicle that will be in the carport or driveway.
It’s HOT Outside
July and August are the hottest months in Louisiana, so stay cool and hydrated during outdoor activities.
Steve Oivanki, President