
November 2019 Newsletter


Happy Thanksgiving, neighbors. I hope this newsletter finds all Pollard Estates residents caught up in the joy of the holidays and the spirit of Thanksgiving and Christmas.

November Board Meeting

We had a successful November Open Board Meeting, but with a lower than expected turnout, probably due to the sudden freezing temperatures. Sgt. Rob Farrelly reported that another officer has been added to the police patrol due to the recent uptick in criminal activity. The Board is also considering increasing the patrol hours.

Most criminal activity involves taking advantage of unlocked vehicles, so please be sure to keep your vehicles locked at night and remove any valuables from sight in the vehicle. There have been a number of complaints about kids driving golf carts and 4-wheelers through the neighborhoods and particularly through Rouzan. Driving carts through Rouzan is particularly dangerous due to the abundance of construction vehicles and narrow streets. Golf carts are not allowed to be driven on city streets, particularly by under-age drivers. The police will ticket violations as per city ordinance.

License Plate Reader Cameras
The installation of the LPR cameras is finally proceeding. We encountered numerous roadblocks from the city and from Entergy, but the electrical lines have finally been run to the median at Perkins, and a new pole has been installed on Quail Drive near Perkins. The cameras have been ordered and will be installed as soon as they arrive. Due to the generosity of a Pollard resident, most of the Pollard cost has been donated. The Rouzan cameras have been installed; so once our new cameras are operating, the combined neighborhoods of Pollard, Woodchase, and Rouzan will be completely covered.

CAPE Directory
It has been a few years since CAPE has published a directory of Pollard Estates residents. A poll was taken at the open meeting, and it was decided to publish a directory at the beginning of next year. The Board is planning to have a digital copy for all residents and a printed copy available upon request. Due to possible privacy concerns, neighbors will have the option to keep certain information from being printed in the directory. The Board will work to keep the directory updated on an ongoing basis.

Stop Signs
There is a safety need for a 4-way stop at South Pollard and South Columbine and a petition is being circulated to get the city to make that intersection a 4-way stop. If a CAPE board member contacts you to sign the request, please do so. There are numerous small children playing near that corner and it is a designated school bus stop for many children. Cars are traveling down South Pollard during morning and evening commute hours greatly in excess of the 25 mph speed limit.

With Warmest Holiday Wishes,
Steve Oivanki
President, Civic Association of Pollard Estates (CAPE)

Thomas Tyler