
March 2020 Open Meeting Reminder

CAPE Public Board Meeting
Tuesday, March10, 2020
6:00 pm
Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Building

The Civic Association of Pollard Estates Board of Directors will hold a public Board Meeting at 6:00 pm on March 10th at the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Building on Quail Drive. All residents of Pollard Estates are invited to attend. Take this opportunity to come meet and mingle with your neighbors and your CAPE Board members. The calendar of CAPE events for 2020 will be presented and the Board will answer any questions you may have about issues of concern in our neighborhood. Light snacks and refreshments will be served.

This is also a chance to meet your new East Baton Rouge City/Parish Councilperson, Jen Racca, who will be in attendance to answer your questions regarding EBR Council issues related to Pollard Estates.

For those of you who have not yet paid your CAPE dues for 2020, or if you are not sure if you have paid, we will have a list available. Dues are $100 per year per residence, and money collected supports our off-duty police patrols, cameras at Pollard entrances, maintenance and insurance for Pollard public areas, and support for CAPE events throughout the year.

We look forward to seeing everyone there next Tuesday.

Thank you.
The Board of Directors
Civic Association of Pollard Estates

Thomas Tyler