
April 2019 Newsletter

Well, Easter is only three weeks away, so it’s time to start thinking about an Easter Egg Hunt. The annual Pollard Estates Easter Egg Hunt will take place on April 14th at the same location as last year – the vacant lot behind 5815 Hibiscus – from 3 to 5 pm. The Easter Bunny will make an appearance again and there will be snow cones and water for refreshments. Charlotte Guidroz, our Social Events Chairperson, will collect the eggs from participants at her house located at 5975 South Pollard Parkway. Parents should bring 2 dozen plastic eggs for each child pre-stuffed with individually wrapped candy or small toys. Chocolate is not recommended since it will melt in the afternoon sun and be very messy when unwrapped. Please bring the eggs beginning on April 6th and no later than 5 pm on April 13th. A sign-up sheet will be available on the front porch to identify each participating child. You must be paid up with your CAPE dues for this year to participate.


The March 25th CAPE Open Board Meeting was a success with approximately 50 residents attending. The security briefing by D,A. Hillar Moore emphasized the need for vigilance to prevent criminal activity in Pollard Estates. Our neighborhood is a relatively crime-free area due to its isolation with only two entrances. The opening to Rouzan through Woodchase will add to the pass-through traffic, however, and likely increase the potential for casual thefts and burglaries. The license plate reader (LPR) cameras proposed will give the police a heads-up on potential criminals by recording all entering vehicles and comparing them to the state suspect vehicle database in real time. Both Woodchase and Rouzan plan to install LPR cameras at their entrances, and Pollard would share in the same camera system. Since Woodchase and Pollard share the same two entrances, the cost of installing cameras will be shared by both neighborhoods.

A show of hands vote at the open meeting resulted in a unanimous approval for installation of LPR cameras in Pollard Estates. The cost for the cameras is still not known, since the police department is evaluating several potential suppliers. It is estimated that Pollard’s share of the camera cost will be between $6,000 and $8,000 installed. The monthly fees for electricity and wireless connection to police headquarters would be covered by the current CAPE dues. A one-time fee for camera installation would be requested from each Pollard household. The separate fee request will be sent when the final cost is fixed. The current off-duty police patrols will continue as before.


The current speed limit in Pollard Estates is 25 MPH. A new stop sign has been installed at the Pollard Parkway/South Columbine intersection. Please observe all stop signs and speed limits. We have requested a portable flashing speed indicator to be placed on Pollard Parkway to remind drivers to slow down. It will be in place as soon as the city traffic department has one available.


We are currently at 47% of members paid for 2019. Please pay your current dues so that we can continue to provide the services and neighborhood events that make Pollard Estates such a wonderful place to live. Dues ($100) can be paid by check mailed to CAPE, P.O. Box 14581, Baton Rouge, LA 70898; or by logging on to our website,, to pay with a credit card.

Welcome to spring!

Steve Oivanki, President

Thomas Tyler